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Funding for Medical Research
and Clinical Trials

Funding Details for Cancer

Use the contact information shown for the organization to apply for the funding.
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Cancer Immunology
Cancer Research Institute
Type of Organization: Charity
Email Address: grants@cancerresearch.org
Funds Available for Clinical Trials: Research:

Funding Details

Requirements: Candidates for the Lloyd J. Old STAR program must meet the following eligibility requirements:

The applicant must have an M.D., Ph.D., or M.D./Ph.D. (or equivalent)
Applicants must belong to one of the following categories as of July 1 (following the deadline):
Tenure-track assistant professor with a minimum of 3 years in this position (for Jan. 15, 2024, deadline must be appointed on or before July 1, 2021)
Tenure-track associate professor with a maximum of 3 years in this position (for Jan. 15, 2024, deadline must be appointed on or after July 1, 2021)
Adjunct or acting positions are not eligible.

Applicants are expected to commit a minimum of 80% of their time to conducting research.

CRI has no citizenship restrictions, and research supported by the award may be conducted at medical schools and research centers in the United States or abroad. Please note that the Cancer Research Institute does not support research at for-profit institutions.

Other info: Deadlines
The process for applying for a Lloyd J. Old STAR Program grant consists of two parts:

Invited interview
The deadline for the receipt of applications is January 15. Candidates will be notified in early March whether they have been invited for an interview. Interviews will be conducted virtually with members of CRI’s Scientific Advisory Council leadership. It is the policy of CRI that all reviewers are required to adhere to ethical guidelines that mandate strict confidentiality concerning all aspects of any letters of intent (“LOIs”), grant applications, and research proposals submitted to CRI for funding consideration. Confidentiality agreements with all reviewers are kept on file at CRI. The earliest an award can activate is July 1. Awards must activate on the first of the month.

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