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Funding for Medical Research
and Clinical Trials

Funding Details for Cancer

Use the contact information shown for the organization to apply for the funding.
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Brain Tumor
American Brain Tumor Association (ABTA)
Type of Organization: Foundation
Email Address: grants@abta.org
Funds Available for Clinical Trials: Research:

Funding Details

Requirements: Applicants/Principal Investigators, Mentors, and Institutions must conform to the eligibility criteria below to apply for an ABTA Discovery Grant.

Grants will be awarded to a single Principal Investigator (PI) and Lead Mentor (if applicable). Applicants may choose to have a single Co-Mentor (optional). Co-Principal Investigators (CoPIs) are not allowed for this mechanism.

For More Information: https://www.abta.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/2024-Discovery-Grant-RFA-LOI.pdf

Other info: Discovery Grants are one-year, $50,000 grants for high risk, high impact research with the potential to change current diagnostic or treatment models. Grants are intended to provide seed-funding for early-stage faculty-level researchers to develop their new ideas, and to get the preliminary data needed to apply for larger grants.

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