Funding for Medical Research
and Clinical Trials
Funding Details for Autism
Use the contact information shown for the organization to apply for the funding.
Please notify CenTrial of any offer is incorrect or has expired.
Autism Science Foundation
Type of Organization: Foundation
Contact Name: Casey Gold-Casey
Email Address:
Funds Available for Clinical Trials:
✗ Research:
Funding Details
Requirements: Applicant: ● Applicants for the Post-Undergraduate Two Year Fellowship must have completed a bachelor’s degree by project start date and be willing to work in a mentored lab for a period of no less than 2 years. They may not be enrolled in a university program or have any other academic responsibilities. ● Applicants should be in at least their senior year of college. The fellow will likely be working on a project that extends past the funding period and has not been specifically designed around their existing skill set, however, there must be specific goals and accomplishments stated as part of the fellowship. The selected awardee also must spend 100% of his/her professional time engaged exclusively in the autism research activities stipulated in the application for the duration of the award, and cannot simultaneously hold another fellowship award during the support period. ● ASFrequires applicants email ASF’s Chief Science Officer Alycia Halladay ( prior to submission to confirm the eligibility of their sponsoring institution. ● U.S.citizens affiliated with institutions inside or outside of the United States are eligible to apply. Non-U.S. citizens affiliated with institutions based inside or outside of the U.S. are also eligible to apply.
Other info: RFA to be released: August 2025
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