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Funding for Medical Research
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Funding Details for Alzheimers/Dementia/Aging

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Geriatrics and Aging
Mayo Clinic
Type of Organization: Charity
Contact Name: Sue J. Rubow
Email Address: rubow.susan@mayo.edu
Funds Available for Clinical Trials: Research:

Funding Details

Requirements: The Innovation in Aging Award is focused on early-stage investigators. Research associates, associate consultants, senior associate consultants and consultants from all Mayo Clinic sites who have not yet obtained National Institutes of Health (NIH) R01 or similar funding are eligible for this award. Individuals in the process of transitioning from mentored career development awards to independent awards are encouraged to apply.

Proposed projects should broadly align with one of the Kogod Center on Aging research programs, which focus on:

Cardiovascular aging.
Immunological aspects of aging.
Metabolism and aging.
Musculoskeletal aging.
Neurological aspects of aging.
Proposed projects also should align with our translational research theme.

Other info: The Innovation in Aging Award from Mayo Clinic's Center for Clinical and Translational Science (CCaTS) and the Robert and Arlene Kogod Center on Aging (RAKCA) offers funds to support early-stage investigators pursuing novel aging research that has the potential to impact geriatric patient care.

The Innovation in Aging Award is designed for early-stage investigators needing funds to generate preliminary data for extramural funding.

The scope of projects supported by this award mechanism are translational initiatives that use model systems and human biospecimens to inform the potential impact of biological mechanisms and new therapies on human health. Applications may include experienced investigators as collaborators.

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