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Funding for Medical Research
and Clinical Trials

Funding Details for Alzheimers/Dementia/Aging

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Biology of aging or Geroscience
Hevolution Foundation
Type of Organization: Foundation
Email Address: hevolutiongrants@afar.org
Funds Available for Clinical Trials: Research:

Funding Details

Requirements: • The proposed research plan must be in the basic biology of aging or geroscience.
• Applicants must be current residents of the United States, Canada, UK, or Europe.
• Applicants must conduct their postdoctoral research at host institutions in any of the allowed countries (US, Canada, UK, or Europe)
• Host institutions must be government-funded or be a non-profit institution with appropriate oversight.
• Applicants must be doctoral students who will complete their doctorate degree (PhD or MD/PhD) prior to the award start date (March 2025) or be a recent PhD or MD/PhD graduates (earliest graduation date: May 2024).
• Each applicant is allowed to submit only one application to the HF-PTG program.
• Applicants must start their postdoctoral training appointment by March 2025.
• Applicants may not hold any other concurrent fellowships.
• Mentors and co-mentors need to be current residents of and be located in the US, Canada, UK or Europe.
• Mentors are allowed to supervise multiple fellows funded by this program or be funded by other programs of the Hevolution Foundation.

Other info: Hevolution Foundation Postdoctoral Training in Geroscience (HF-PTG) Program will provide funding for PhD and MD/PhD students who want to pursue postdoctoral research training in the biology of aging or geroscience. The Hevolution Foundation will commit up to $5M USD over a period of 4 years and anticipates funding 12-15 trainees in early 2025.

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