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Funding for Medical Research
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Funding Details for Alzheimers/Dementia/Aging

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Frontotemporal (FTD) disorders
Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Foundation (ADDF) and the Association for Frontotemporal Degeneration (AFTD)
Type of Organization: Foundation
Email Address: grants@alzdiscovery.org
Funds Available for Clinical Trials: Research:

Funding Details

Requirements: Funding is open to researchers and clinicians worldwide at:

Academic medical centers, universities or non-profits. Industry partnerships are encouraged.
Biotechnology companies. Existing companies and new startups are both eligible.
NOTE: All funding is provided through mission-related investments that require return on investment based upon scientific and/or business milestones (see Our Research Strategy for more information).

Other info: The Alzheimer's Drug Discovery Foundation (ADDF) and the Association for Frontotemporal Degeneration (AFTD) launched the Treat FTD Fund to provide critical funding for early-stage clinical trials that:

help address these challenges
build on emerging scientific understanding of biological mechanisms underlying FTD
stimulate the field to develop new therapies for FTD disorders
advance the development, validation and adoption of informative biomarkers
enable novel trial designs and technologies

The Treat FTD fund aims to support programs testing drugs or devices for FTD disorders while building clinical data around FTD mechanisms in human disease and corresponding biomarker endpoints in response to treatment. The fund aims to de-risk clinical development programs by supporting clinical trials generating data leading to clear go/no-go decisions and if positive, sufficient data to encourage follow on funding of the approach. Programs will be considered that test novel or repurposed drug candidates or devices in phase 0, 1 or 2 clinical trials for FTD disorders, led by academic researchers or biotechnology companies, worldwide. Both disease-modifying and symptomatic approaches will be considered.

The RFP seeks to support clinical trials with:

biological mechanisms that have a sound scientific rationale for FTD
suitable clinical trial designs, that may include features such as basket, adaptive or other novel approaches
biomarkers that can indicate target engagement and/or downstream pharmacologic effects
biomarker endpoints that can provide a deeper understanding of the drug mechanism and disease progression
therapeutics applicable to both sporadic and genetic forms of FTD
Although the strongest proposals will address all these aspects, any approach with a sound biological rationale and well justified outcome measures for the patient population will be considered.

In 2019, the ADDF and the AFTD convened an advisory panel to generate recommendations on outcome measures and statistical considerations for value-generating exploratory trials in neurodegenerative dementias. Please find the resulting publication and guidelines here.

For scientific inquiries, please contact:
Meriel Owen, PhD, Associate Director, ADDF

Debra Niehoff, PhD, Scientific Director, AFTD

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